You don't get old at the table ...
Welcome ! Attenzione : il sito è fuori servizio per manutenzione - Non è possibile effettuare alcuna operazione
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the space of Atavolanonsinvecchia!
Like all human things, Also atavola doesn't get old it has its own history, was thought and created without no external aid because we prefer be us the interpreters of our thought.
We do not have the ambition to change the world but we're doing our best to propose high quality foods to those who think that time spent at the table non it's a waste of time but a Pleasure and a investment long-term for your physical and mental well-being, our health starts here!
For us, nutrition of the future is that of past!
We hope you find what you are looking for, happy surfing!
Who we are...
Talk about yourself with objectivity without giving yourself excessive indulgence it is not easy... to delegate Others don't like "who we are"., in no text or photo contains a single comma thought by third parties.
We are … faithful to our principles, we searched and found people with whom we share affinities of thought, respect for animals and love for the earth because "Organic" is in our hearts.
We are … Gourmets of simple things, otherwise called Happy Forks!
Not so much for quantity but for quality, a good and healthy diet helps you stay healthy and fit!
· We would have liked to be …an immense space to welcome the infinite wonders of Italian ingenuity.
· We are not … it will be our limit but we are not interested in synthetic food, at 3D printed steaks, to watered down wine and other more or less innovative solutions.
· We are … conquered by food tradition Italian, from the Mediterranean diet, fromoil of our hills, dal wine of grapes golden by the Italian sun, from the farina of our wheat, give her cows and from latte of our pastures, by the taste of cheeses unforgettable…
· We are … Italians, we live immersed in the beauty, in the history, nell’art, in the culture, in the luce of unique landscapes in the world and source of inspiration for the greatest artists of every era and in everything that makes it unique and unparalleled our Italy
· We are … seduced by good cooking and from the products "as it once was”, we have translated commitment and passion into Selections of Ligurian delicacies, Tuscan and Emilian e we are proud to propose them to you.
Against the current
Technology brings the world in front of an armchair but knowledge must be understood, not suffered, otherwise it won't be there awareness.
While "once” the handshakes they sealed contracts, Today it rarely happens, to affirm or confirm anything we resort to third parties who, for a fee, they will certify, they will stamp, they will attest to the truthfulness of our words.
We decided to go against the current, we don't want any external "support"., we simply present ourselves as we are we are, with our truth, proud to propose to anyone, anywhere in the world, the pleasure, the experience of bringing a pinch of to the table authentic Italian emotions.
All we have left is Wishing you a good lunch in the company of: At the table You don’t get Old!